
Check if any vehicle challan is torn or not online | E-Challan Gujarat
Check if any vehicle challan is torn or not online | E-Challan Gujarat (How to Check E-Challan Status Online) | E-Challan Gujarat , | E-Challan Gujarat Payment Online
Nowadays, CCTV cameras are installed everywhere in big cities. Many times people violate the traffic rules unknowingly, in which the challan is declared on their vehicle number. If you too have ever violated the traffic rules in the unknown, on which your car has a currency torn but you don’t know it, then you need not fear.
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You can know whether any challan has been issued or memo torn in any of your cars or vehicles from the comfort of your home. And if the challan is torn on your vehicle, you can even pay it at home. Now let’s see in detail whether our vehicle has expired or not and how to pay for it.
How to check currency status?
To check challan online first you have to visit the official website echallan.parivahan.gov.in. You can open this website on your mobile or computer.
Then you have to click on Check Challan Status.
There you will see three options (Challan Number, Vehicle Number, DL Number). There you click on the vehicle number option.
After selecting the vehicle number, enter your vehicle number in the vehicle number field, after which a captcha code will appear. After this you click on Get Detail. If you click, you will know if there is any challan in the name of your vehicle or not. Apart from this you can also check the currency by entering the DL number.
Complain if wrong currency has been deducted…
If you have not broken any traffic rules, and the traffic police has deducted a wrong challan from you, you can also file a complaint.
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How to make online currency payment?
- You can pay online if you find your vehicle on the challan details on the website.
- To make online payment you have to click on Pay Now next to the currency.
- After it is processed an OTP will be sent to your registered number.
- Then immediately you will reach the e-challan payment website of the respective state. After this you have to click on (Next) option.
- After doing next a payment confirmation page will appear on your screen. Now you have to click on Proceed. Now you can pay by selecting payment gateway.
E-Challan Contact @Echallan.Parivahan.Gov.In
Jō tamanē kō’ī ṭēkanīkala prōblēma hōya tō tamē kōnṭēkṭa karī śakō chō. Imē’ila: Helpdesk-echallan[at]gov[dot]in phōna: 0120-2459171 (Samaya: 6:00 AM – 10:00 PM)
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If you have any technical problem you can contact. Email: helpdesk-echallan[at]gov[dot]in Phone: 0120-2459171 (Timing: 6:00 AM – 10:00 PM)
Which is the official website to check if memo of any vehicle is cracked or not?
The official website of E-Challan is https://echallan.parivahan.gov.in/index/accused-challan.
echallan.parivahan.gov.in ઓફિસિયલ વેબસાઇટ
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