SIM Cards Enrolled in Your Name, Check The number of SIM Cards are in Your Name, Check Enlisted SIM Cards on Your Name, SIM Cards Subtleties Check: Hi companions, today we will know definite data on the most proficient method to check the number of sims are in your name.Check All SIM Cards Enrolled on Your Aadhar Card

મિત્રો, આજકાલ સાયબર ક્રાઈમ વધી રહ્યો છે. આ દર્શાવે છે કે ફ્રોડ કોલની સંખ્યા વધુ છે. વાસ્તવમાં આ છેતરપિંડી કરનારાઓ એવા નંબરો પરથી કોલ કરી રહ્યા છે જે તેમના પોતાના નથી પરંતુ તેઓ અન્ય વ્યક્તિના નામે સિમ કાર્ડનો દુરુપયોગ કરી રહ્યા છે.
Companions, digital wrongdoing is on the ascent nowadays. This shows that the quantity of misrepresentation calls is high. In reality these fraudsters are calling from numbers which are not their own however they are abusing the SIM card for the sake of someone else. Furthermore, frequently individuals don’t realize that somebody is abusing the SIM card in their name. So on the off chance that such sim is in your name, you might confront inconvenience in future. So everybody ought to know the number of sim cards are in his name. If you have any desire to know the number of sims are dynamic in your name online at home, then, at that point, read our the present article till the end.How Numerous SIM Cards are Dynamic in Your Name On the web
Legislature of India has sent off another entrance for residents called Sancharsathi Which will be pertinent for all states. Through this entryway you can check the number of SIM cards are dynamic on your Aadhaar card. You can actually look at it. Likewise, if some other SIM is dynamic in your name, you can report such SIM card and block it.

તમારા નામે કેટલા સિમ કાર્ડ રજીસ્ટર છે? અહીંથી ચેક કરો👇🏿
Check How many SIM cards are registered in your name?
Check How Many SIM Cards are Registered in Your Name?, Friends, now let’s find outTAFCOP Portal How to check how many sims are active in your name by Follow the below steps for this.
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Check How many SIM cards are registered in your name?
1: Friends, first of all you need a website portal Need to go on.
2: Then, after scrolling down a bit on the home page of the portal, you shouldKnow Your Mobile Connection TAFCOP Click on the option.
3: Now after coming to TAFCOP website you have to login. For that you have to enter your mobile number and enter the Captcha given below. And after that you have to enter an OTP on your mobile number. And then click on Log in option.
4: Now on the next page you will see the list of which SIM cards are active in your name. The mobile numbers given in this list are shown as first four and last four. If you are using all these numbers then nothing needs to be done.
Friends, suppose any number from the given list is not yours and you want to report it, first of all you have to select that number. After that there are three options below that number.
- Not My Number (means this is not my number. If you don’t know this number then you have to select this option to report)
- Not Required (Select this option if you have used this number before and if you are not currently using this number and if you want to delete this number from your Aadhaar.)
- Required
Important Links તમારા નામે કેટલા સિમ કાર્ડ રજીસ્ટર છે? અહીંથી ચેક કરો👇🏿
TAFCOP Portal | Click here |
So companions, those numbers which you have never utilized, you don’t have any acquaintance with them, while shutting them you need to initially choose one of the over three reasons for example choice and afterward click on report button.
In the wake of tapping the Report button, your solicitation (report) is acknowledged. You will receive the above message. In this, Protest Number or Reference Number is additionally created and displayed to you. You need to save this number.
After this you don’t have to do anything. You have detailed an obscure or undesirable number to TRAI. Presently your report will be shipped off the organization that possesses the SIM and the number will be impeded.
So companions, in this way today we have attempted to know how to check the number of SIM cards are dynamic web-based in your name (How to Check The number of SIM Cards are Dynamic Web-based in Your Name). I genuinely want to believe that you partook in this article, and you will profit from perusing the data in this article. Additionally, in the event that you find this article significant, share it with your companions. much thanks to you